perguntas frequentes
Use este texto para compartilhar informações sobre seu produto ou políticas de envio.
Você envia para o exterior?
Não, infelizmente só podemos enviar dentro dos Estados Unidos. Estamos estudando remessas internacionais e teremos essa opção em um futuro próximo. Verifique em breve.
Quanto tempo levará para receber meus pedidos?
Depende de onde estás. Processamos todos os pedidos dentro de 7 dias úteis e enviamos assim que forem processados. Dependendo da sua localização, o recebimento pode levar de 3 a 5 dias após o envio. Os detalhes da entrega serão fornecidos no seu e-mail de confirmação.
Do I need to dilute/water down the product?
NO! Our products come ready to use. Any dilution with water or any type of manipulation will degrade the product. The scent longevity, strength, durabilty and quality of the product will be reduced dramatically. You will lose the desired effects of the product.
How do I use the product?
You use the product by spraying directly into the air. The strength of the scent will depend on how many sprays you use in each room.
Whats the difference between room spray and linen spray?
Room Sprays are formulated specifically to be spray into the air of an environment. Room sprays should not be sprayed directly on fabrics of any kind due to its high concentration of oils. Linen sprays are formulated to be sprayed directly on fabrics only.
Which are your most sold fragrances?
Our most popular fragrance is our Sweet fragrance. Its a soft sweet vanilla fragrance that the majority of our clients absolutely love. Our second most popular is our Alecrim fragrance. Its is a more citric fragrance.
How can I sample your frangrances?
You can experience our frangrances by purchasing our sample size spray. Unfortunately we ask that a minimum purchase of 1 room spray of $27 be made in order for us to ship the samples.
How long do your frangrances last in the environment?
It all depends on the environment. Whether its a small or large room. If the room is closed or if it has a lot of air circulation. Our tests indicate that on average our frangrances last 1 full week. The tests were conducted in a medium size room, closed with average air circulation. We have had several clients report back that they have returned to a home after 2 weeks and still felt our frangrance in the home. On average a very long time compared to other leading brands. Our fragrances are well known for their scent durability and longevity.
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